Tag Archives: information

I love the smell of sand in the morning.

6 Aug

No feeling is better than waking up in the morning rejuvenated and ready go, which is exactly how you awoke the day after the webinar! Time for another exciting day in the life of a Thunder Beach franchisee, you muse as you get out of bed. While eating breakfast, you have a quick discussion with your wife about taking the next steps in the franchising process. You both agree to meet with a loan officer and discuss your options, but also decide to go ahead and start scouting potential locations for your franchise. You can hardly wait! However, your day job beckons so you reluctantly head to the office and settle in for theCompany Logo time being. During your lunch hour, doubts start creeping into your mind. I’ve never owned a business before, how will I pull this off? Is this really a good idea? Am I crazy to leave my current job? The doubts begin to pile up and you start to have a panic attack until, suddenly, you Continue reading

An Evening With Thunder Beach

29 Jul

Company LogoThe possibility of becoming a Thunder Beach franchisee has consumed your every waking thought since you first stumbled across their website on a dreary, Monday morning. Caught up reminiscing about your youth and the fun you had, fate came knocking at your door in the form of a sand sports franchise opportunity. Now, it is all you can think about. Your mind is full of questions. At night, you dream of owning a franchise and the laughing, enthusiastic players who will gather at your complex. Your wife is a savvy businesswoman who is willing to explore possibilities, but not without examining every detail. Despite reading the Thunder Beach website over many times, you know that there is more to learn. Continue reading